ajna light waiver
I confirm that I will never use the Ajna Light:
under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
if I feel unwell, faint, or am suffering from incontinence or nausea,
if I suffer from eye strain, have had eye surgery or have extremely sensitive eyes,
if I am taking antihistamines, anticoagulants, vasoconstrictors, vasodilators, stimulants, hypnotics, tranquilisers or any other medication which may pose a risk when combined with the ajna light, if in doubt I will consult my doctor,
if have a severe headache or migraine,
if I have any communicable or infectious disease or illness,
if I have untreated high (>+180/120) or low (<-90/50) blood pressure,
if I am epileptic or suffer from seizures or have a history of epilepsy or seizures in my family,
if I suffer or have suffered from chronic heart disease, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the light,
if I am pregnant, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the light.
I confirm that this waiver applies to all future treatments and I will inform yue float of any changes in my circumstances.
I understand that:
If I arrive for a treatment, but meet any of the criteria of the above page, I should tell a yue float employee and rearrange the appointment for another time. I may incur a fee for failing to give sufficient notice for a cancellation or rearranged treatment.
If I do something that causes damage to the Ajna Light, I am financially responsible and am liable to pay the repair or replacement fee.
Any products or incidentals (headphones etc. supplied by yue float are used voluntarily and with full consent and full knowledge.
All of my personal possessions shall be secured with myself (alone), locked inside of ‘the light room’ during my personal light session. Any loss or damage to any personal possessions of mine is not the responsibility or liability of yue float.
I should arrive 5 minutes prior to the start time of my light session appointment. If I arrive late my session may be reduced accordingly or cancelled.
I should conduct myself on the premises in such manner not to adversely affect the use and enjoyment of treatments by other yue float customers. Failure to comply with yue float’s etiquette policy may result in the termination of my treatment, removal from the premises and a possible subsequent ban from future treatments.
Individual experiences with the Ajna Light are varied and unique, and I take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions while using the light. I have received an orientation and am familiar with the equipment. The waiver of liability and all agreements made herein shall apply to each use I make of the Ajna Light.
Upon signing this waiver and using the Ajna Light, I absolve yue ltd trading as yue float and its employees and agents from any and all liability in connection with the use thereof whether such loss or damage be direct or indirect.