please complete the relevant treatment waiver(s)
before you do each treatment for the first time
there is a different waiver for each treatment
you only need to complete each treatment waiver once
if you have completed a paper treatment waiver previously you do not need to do it again
I confirm that I will never float:
without showering immediately prior to entering the pod,
with oils, creams or jewellery,
with recently dyed hair or fresh tattoos (if the water does not run clear when I shower),
under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
if I suffer from a condition or am receiving medication that may be adversely affected by floating or deep relaxation,if in doubt I will consult my doctor,
if I suffer from any allergies or skin irritations or condition in particular allergies to epsom salt or hydrogen peroxide,
if I feel unwell, faint, or am suffering from incontinence or nausea,
if I am menstruating, without the use of proper feminine hygiene products,
if I suffer or have suffered from any claustrophobic or small or enclosed space anxiety-provoking disorders,
if I have any communicable or infectious disease or illness, skin disorder, large cuts, open sores or wounds,
if I have untreated high (>+180/120) or low (<-90/50) blood pressure,
if I am epileptic or suffer from seizures, unless I have written medical authorisation to float,
if I suffer or have suffered from chronic heart disease, unless I have written medical authorisation to float,
if I suffer from schizophrenia, unless I have written medical authorisation to float,
if I suffer from diabetes, unless I have clear medical authorisation to float,
if I suffer from narcolepsy, unless I have written medical authorisation to float,
if I am pregnant, unless I have clear medical authorisation to float,
if I am over 2.2m (7 feet 2 inches) tall.
I confirm that this waiver applies to all future treatments and I will inform yue float of any changes in my circumstances.
I understand that:
If I arrive for a treatment, but meet any of the criteria of the above page, I should tell a yue float employee and rearrange the appointment for another time. I may incur a fee for failing to give sufficient notice for a cancellation or rearranged treatment.
If I do something that causes damage to the float tank or its contents, I am financially responsible and am liable to pay the water replacement fee.
The float tank uses epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide cleaning products which will be in the water and that some people may experience skin allergies or reactions to such chemicals.
Any products or incidentals (towels, ear plugs, showergel and shampoo etc. supplied by yue float are used voluntarily and with full consent and full knowledge.
All of my personal possessions shall be secured with myself (alone), locked inside of ‘the float room’ during my personal float session. Any loss or damage to any personal possessions of mine is not the responsibility or liability of yue float.
I should arrive 5 minutes prior to the start time of my float session. If I arrive late my float may be reduced to a minutes float or cancelled.
I should conduct myself on the premises in such manner not to adversely affect the use and enjoyment of treatments by other yue float customers. Failure to comply with yue float’s etiquette policy may result in the termination of my treatment, removal from the premises and a possible subsequent ban from future treatments.
Individual experiences with floating are varied and unique, and I take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions while floating. I have received an orientation and am familiar with the equipment. The waiver of liability and all agreements made herein shall apply to each use I make of the float tank.
Upon signing this waiver and using this float tank, I absolve yue ltd trading as yue float and its employees and agents from any and all liability in connection with the use thereof whether such loss or damage be direct or indirect.
I confirm that I will never use the sauna:
with jewellery,
if i have consumed a heavy meal in the hour and a half leading up to my session,
with oils or creams on my body or hair that could cause any stains to towels or the sauna wood (if in doubt, please shower before your treatment),
with recently dyed hair or fresh tattoos (if the water does not run clear when I shower),
under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
if I suffer from heat sensitivity,
if I suffer from an illness causing an inability to perspire,
if I am taking antihistamines, anticoagulants, vasoconstrictors, vasodilators, stimulants, hypnotics, tranquilisers or any other medication which may pose a risk when combined with the infrared sauna, if in doubt I will consult my doctor,
if I suffer from severe migraine attacks,
after sunbathing,
if I feel unwell, faint, or am suffering from incontinence or nausea,
if I am menstruating, without the use of proper feminine hygiene products,
if I have thrombosis, inflammation or any fresh injuries,
if I have any communicable or infectious disease or illness, skin disorder, large cuts, open sores or wounds,
if I have untreated high (>+180/120) or low (<-90/50) blood pressure,
if I am epileptic or suffer from seizures, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the sauna,
if I suffer or have suffered from chronic heart disease, unless I have written medical authorisation to use the sauna,
if I suffer from diabetes, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the sauna,
if I suffer from narcolepsy, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the sauna,
if I am pregnant, unless I have written medical authorisation to use the sauna,
if I suffer from any condition which makes me unsure of using the sauna, if in doubt I will consult my doctor.
I confirm that this waiver applies to all future treatments and I will inform yue float of any changes in my circumstances.
I understand that:
If I arrive for a treatment, but meet any of the criteria of the above page, I should tell a yue float employee and rearrange the appointment for another time. I may incur a fee for failing to give sufficient notice for a cancellation or rearranged treatment.
If I do something that causes damage to the infrared sauna, I am financially responsible and am liable to pay the repair or replacement fee.
The infrared sauna is made from cedar wood and coated with a VOC-free varnish. All the heaters are covered but parts of the sauna close to the heater may be very extremely hot.
Any products or incidentals (towels, showergel and shampoo etc. supplied by yue float are used voluntarily and with full consent and full knowledge.
All of my personal possessions shall be secured with myself (alone), locked inside of ‘the sauna room’ during my individual sauna session. Any loss or damage to any personal possessions of mine is not the responsibility or liability of yue float.
I should arrive 5 minutes prior to the start time of my sauna sessions. If I arrive late my sauna time may be reduced accordingly or cancelled.
I should conduct myself on the premises in such manner not to adversely affect the use and enjoyment of treatments by other yue float customers. Failure to comply with yue float’s etiquette policy may result in the termination of my treatment, removal from the premises and a possible subsequent ban from future treatments.
I take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions while using the sauna. I have received an orientation and am familiar with the equipment. The waiver of liability and all agreements made herein shall apply to each use I make of the infrared sauna.
Upon signing this waiver and using the infrared sauna, I absolve yue ltd trading as yue float and its employees and agents from any and all liability in connection with the use thereof whether such loss or damage be direct or indirect.
I confirm that I will never use the Ajna Light:
under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
if I feel unwell, faint, or am suffering from incontinence or nausea,
if I suffer from eye strain, have had eye surgery or have extremely sensitive eyes,
if I am taking antihistamines, anticoagulants, vasoconstrictors, vasodilators, stimulants, hypnotics, tranquilisers or any other medication which may pose a risk when combined with the ajna light, if in doubt I will consult my doctor,
if have a severe headache or migraine,
if I have any communicable or infectious disease or illness,
if I have untreated high (>+180/120) or low (<-90/50) blood pressure,
if I am epileptic or suffer from seizures or have a history of epilepsy or seizures in my family,
if I suffer or have suffered from chronic heart disease, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the light,
if I am pregnant, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the light.
I confirm that this waiver applies to all future treatments and I will inform yue float of any changes in my circumstances.
I understand that:
If I arrive for a treatment, but meet any of the criteria of the above page, I should tell a yue float employee and rearrange the appointment for another time. I may incur a fee for failing to give sufficient notice for a cancellation or rearranged treatment.
If I do something that causes damage to the Ajna Light, I am financially responsible and am liable to pay the repair or replacement fee.
Any products or incidentals (headphones etc. supplied by yue float are used voluntarily and with full consent and full knowledge.
All of my personal possessions shall be secured with myself (alone), locked inside of ‘the light room’ during my personal light session. Any loss or damage to any personal possessions of mine is not the responsibility or liability of yue float.
I should arrive 5 minutes prior to the start time of my light session appointment. If I arrive late my session may be reduced accordingly or cancelled.
I should conduct myself on the premises in such manner not to adversely affect the use and enjoyment of treatments by other yue float customers. Failure to comply with yue float’s etiquette policy may result in the termination of my treatment, removal from the premises and a possible subsequent ban from future treatments.
Individual experiences with the Ajna Light are varied and unique, and I take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions while using the light. I have received an orientation and am familiar with the equipment. The waiver of liability and all agreements made herein shall apply to each use I make of the Ajna Light.
Upon signing this waiver and using the Ajna Light, I absolve yue ltd trading as yue float and its employees and agents from any and all liability in connection with the use thereof whether such loss or damage be direct or indirect.
I confirm that I will never use the massage chair:
under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
if I feel unwell, faint, or am suffering from incontinence or nausea,
if I have any communicable or infectious disease or illness, skin disorder, large cuts, open sores or wounds,
if I have untreated high (>+180/120) or low (<-90/50) blood pressure, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the massage chair,
if I am epileptic or suffer from seizures, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the massage chair,
if I suffer or have suffered from chronic heart disease, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the massage chair,
if I am pregnant, unless I have clear medical authorisation to use the massage chair,
if I am over 1.9m (6 feet 3 inches) tall or weigh over 120kg (18 stone or 265 pounds).
I confirm that this waiver applies to all future treatments and I will inform yue float of any changes in my circumstances.
I understand that:
If I arrive for a treatment, but meet any of the criteria of the above page, I should tell a yue float employee and rearrange the appointment for another time. I may incur a fee for failing to give sufficient notice for a cancellation or rearranged treatment.
If I do something that causes damage to the massage chair, I am financially responsible and am liable to pay the repair or replacement fee.
Any products or incidentals (headphones etc. supplied by yue float are used voluntarily and with full consent and full knowledge.
All of my personal possessions shall be secured with myself (alone), locked inside of ‘the massage room’ during my massage session. Any loss or damage to any personal possessions of mine is not the responsibility or liability of yue float.
I should arrive 5 minutes prior to the start time of my massage session. If I arrive late my massage may be reduced accordingly or cancelled.
I should conduct myself on the premises in such manner not to adversely affect the use and enjoyment of treatments by other yue float customers. Failure to comply with yue float’s etiquette policy may result in the termination of my treatment, removal from the premises and a possible subsequent ban from future treatments.
I take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions while using the massage chair. I have received an orientation and am familiar with the equipment. The waiver of liability and all agreements made herein shall apply to each use I make of the massage chair.
Upon signing this waiver and using this massage chair, I absolve yue ltd trading as yue float and its employees and agents from any and all liability in connection with the use thereof whether such loss or damage be direct or indirect.