book a treatment package

purchase the relevant package

and email us to arrange a date & time to book in

total recharge package

  • 45 minute sports massage

    30 minute infrared sauna

    60 minute float therapy

  • start with a sports massage to release deep-seated tension, followed by an infrared sauna session to detoxify and boost circulation and ending with a float therapy session that delivers profound relaxation.

    this package is designed to leave you feeling completely revitalised and balanced.

  • £165

2 hour reboot

  • 60 minute deep tissue sports massage

    60 minute float therapy

  • melt away stress and rejuvenate both body and mind, this package offers a seamless transition from muscle relief to mental tranquillity

  • £150

    this package combines a £100 sports massage and a £165 float session for seamless relaxation & recovery

just 4 yue

treatment bundle

  • 60 minute float therapy

    30 minute infrared sauna

    15 minute ajna light

    15 minute zero gravity chair massage

  • enjoy a mini spa day : a mix of therapies that detoxify, relieve stress and enhance mental clarity.

    this curated combination ensures you emerge refreshed and revitalised, with a clear mind and relaxed body.

  • £120

float & light

  • 15 minute ajna light

    60 minute float therapy

  • use the ajna light before the float to get into a meditative state for the float so you can fully surrender and experience deep relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. can help with creativity and sleep.

  • £75

sauna & float

  • 30 minute infrared sauna

    60 minute float therapy

  • sweat it out with a 30 minute full spectrum infrared sauna with red light to start before fully letting go in the float to boost both your physical and mental health.

  • £100

sports massage & sauna

  • 45 minute sports massage

    30 minute infrared sauna

  • start with a sports massage to release deep-seated tension, followed by an infrared sauna session to detoxify and boost circulation.

  • £110


  • 60 minute emotional release bodywork (available on certain saturdays)

    x2 60 minute float therapy

    recommended to be done on sepate days

  • we recommend to do the bodywork session first (available on certain saturdays) to release emotional tension and reduce stress and anxiety.

    then to do a float around a week later to process everything released in the bodywork session.

    then the final float a week later for deep relaxation.

  • £230